Trump (like an unruly teenager) ridiculously boasted in 2016 that he could “stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody” and he “wouldn’t lose any voters.” Little did we know then (2016) what we do know now (2024). Trump’s ridiculous boast was a prescient prediction (redundancy for emphasis). Trump predicted that his supporters would drink the Kool Aid and stay with him no matter what he did and no matter what a Jury said about what he did. And so it is. 

  • Trump guilty in multi-million, tax fraud scheme, and his CPA, Allen Weisselberg, jailed for perjury (two times) for lying under oath to protect Trump … doesn’t matter. 
  • Trump guilty of sexually molesting and slandering E. Jean Carroll and a Jury tells him to pay almost $100 million to her… doesn’t matter. 
  • Trump guilty of 32 felonies trying to “cover-up” his sexual tryst with Stormy Daniels right before the 2016 election… doesn’t matter. 
  • Trump trying to steal the Presidency (for a second term) with the Big Lie, falsely sowing doubt in the integrity of America’s elections… despite Trump losing 50 plus lawsuits nationwide (that found no fraud or irregularities that cost Trump the election), despite losing a Michigan, Republican, Senate investigation (that found no fraud or irregularities that cost Trump the election), and despite losing all re-counts and all audits… doesn’t matter.
  • Trump inciting mayhem and insurrection on the Capitol grounds while his lawyer Giuliani shared a stage with him and shouted out for “Trial by Combat”… doesn’t matter. 
  • Trump associates’ guilty pleas admitting to their criminal actions on behalf of Trump in trying to overthrow the 2020 Presidential election of Joe Biden … doesn’t matter.

On the 80th anniversary of D Day, the Detroit Free Press carried a 6/6/2024 headline tribute to D Day soldiers… “Eight decades later, Normandy vets regarded as ‘saviors‘.” Now, Decades later, Trump tells us he is our Savior. And, as we all know from past experience, Trump is predisposed to call those D Day Heroes “losers” and “suckers” for getting shot (same thing he did with American Hero John McCain for getting shot down over the skies of Vietnam).

Our old-world order of D Day heroes… has now been turned on its head by Trump and his followers. The Republicans drank the cool aid and fell a long way from their prior “Law & Order” perch. And for what ??? Repeat for what ??? Answer. Because liberals are “woke” and they are trying to pull books out of libraries and burn them (oops, my mistake, that’s the “woke” Republicans doing that). Because liberals are “woke” and they are trying to make sure no one is allowed to teach the systemic history of institutional racism aka Critical Race Theory ??? (oops, my mistake, again… that’s the woke Republicans doing that).

Many of Trump’s, “Law and Order” Republican associates have served time for RICO type conspiracies and activities, including…

  • Paul Manafort
  • George Papadopoulos
  • Rick Gates
  • Roger Stone
  • Republican Rep Chris Collins
  • Sam Patten
  • Michael Cohen
  • Steve Bannon 
  • Allen Weisselberg
  • Peter Navarro
  • Jan. 6th Invaders of the Capitol
  • Proud Boys and Oath Keepers… White Supremacists who helped strategize that 6th. invasion

So much for “draining the swamp.” With a little luck, Trump will soon join them as another guy doing his time in “The Joint.”

Fred Lauck
