I have struggled for the better part of a decade trying to comprehend how anyone can tolerate (let alone vote for) Pinocchio Trump… the “lie a minute,” Master of Disaster, Savant of Deception. Hey, even if I overlook the malevolent and vicious personality (mocking the disabled, belittling war heroes, trespassing on sacred ground in Arlington National Cemetery, hanging the Haitians out for death threats in Springfield, etc.), I still have no use for Trump (or anyone else) who is going to bull_ _ _ _ me at every turn by casting themselves (or “reality” itself) into a false light whenever it suits his needs.

That’s what Pinocchio Trump got convicted of in his sexual abuse of E. Jean Carroll (lying), in his tax fraud trial in New York (lying) and his false documents case involving porn star, Stormy Daniels, (more lying). I do not trust serial liars and bull_ _ _ _ ers. I have no use for them… period, paragraph. We are done… as in adios, sayonara, auf wiedersehen, ciao, adieux, hasta luego.

The forgiveness of Jesus… you say ??? I say… Self-defense, defense of others and defense of America are all at stake… including our Declaration of Independence that gives us the “free will” to determine our own Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness, and including the protections of our American Constitution, our Bill of Rights and our Democracy. So, time to go “money changer” on Trump and his MAGA sycophants and throw them out with… of course, a passing euphemism of civility, “Father, forgive the transgressors, they know not what they do… but don’t let them near the levers of power, the nuclear codes or the Appointment of Supreme Court Justices.”


I recently had an epiphany regarding both Trump and his alter ego, MAGA. MAGA is a weak kneed, fear-infected organization. It is that very fear (in the minds and hearts of Trump’s MAGA supporters) that “enables” Trump to wage his cunning battle for authoritarian control over them and the rest of us. What fear, you ask ??? The usual fear that besets humanity. The fear that things are changing which, of course, they always are.

Trump, ever the demagogue, stokes that fear of change in his MAGA “enablers.” In turn, that fear of change “enables” Trump (1) to stay behind the wheel of the MAGA bus and (2) to exert his need for authoritarian control over MAGA and the rest of us. God forbid, the MAGA bunch of self-proclaimed Christians should follow the Golden Rule of encouraging and inspiring “autonomy” in others… with the love of “live and let live.”

Change scares MAGA members, so they refuse to embrace “progress”… as in “to progress” and as in to be “progressive.” Wind the clock backwards to the dawn of civilization. If fearful and shortsighted MAGA had been asked to vote on the human biology of evolution, it would have voted “NO” !!! As in “no thank you”… “we don’t need no change and no evolution. We see through you elite leftists, hiding behind the fake science of evolution, devolution or revolution… whatever you leftists call it in your attempt to trick us.”

Thank heaven, back in the day, MAGA had no vote on evolution. But for… evolution… our human species would not have evolved. We would have died off. We would have gone extinct like the Neanderthals, Homo Erectus, Homo Fluorescein’s (Hobbits) and other, humanoid species (our cousins in evolution) who did not survive and make it to where we are today… because they faltered in their ability to CHANGE AND KEEP UP. They failed in the “adaptation” of survival of the fittest, aka natural selection (as in… nature selects out for survival those species are the most proficient at competing, changing, adapting, growing and maturing). That’s why all the shortnecked giraffes are extinct. They could not feed on the sun-scorched plains of the African Savannah, and the flora in the tall trees was out of reach… because they didn’t do their morning exercises, stretching their necks (or their intellects).


There have always been (at least) two basic, philosophical camps in America. Those willing to change and progress and those not. Two warring factions if you will. There has always been a “monolithic” camp, like MAGA and its predecessors… fearfully and blindly, seeking to control the rest of us by entrenching the status quo… resisting change and progress, and thereby interfering with the adaptation of natural selection.

The “credo” of historic monolithic camps always has been (and still is) all about authoritarian control by groups of God chosen, superior, patriarchal, White males… over the rest of God’s children.

  • Let’s exert authoritarian control over the lives of Blacks by keeping the black Children of God in the shackles of slavery for 250 years (1619-1865),
  • Then, let’s kill 600,000-700,000 Americans in the South’s futile attempt to entrench the status quo of… “slavery forever.”
  • Then, in response to that God-awful Civil War and its devastating and costly toll on human life and suffering, let’s just play semantics and keep the Blacks under the authoritarian thumb of Jim Crow laws, keeping the White man’s grip on the Negroes for another 100 years through a second class citizenship, sleight of hand hoax known as “separate but equal”… telling Blacks where they can eat, what drinking fountains they can use, what hotels they can stay at, what lunch counters they can use, where they must sit on buses, etc. (1865 with Plessy vs Ferguson… to the 1965 Civil Rights Acts under  President Lyndon Johnson).
  • Then, after the end of “separate but equal” in the 1960s, let’s continue to exert authoritarian control over the hopes and expectations of Black America by taking away their American Dream, including… forbidding Blacks to play baseball in the White man’s Major leagues, denying them mortgages, restricting home ownership with “don’t sell to Blacks” covenants in property deeds, depriving Blacks of acquiring even the minimal wealth of small home equities… which barely keeps up with the inflation in home pricing.
  • Let’s exert patriarchal control over the women by forbidding them to own property, make contracts, vote or even sit on a Jury for 100s of years… until women waged war against an entrenched patriarchal system of the “good old boy’s” network and were jailed and tortured with force feeding and blackballed.
  • Let’s exert authoritarian control over modern day, Black America by keeping the knee of White Cops on the neck of Black America forever… or until they suffocate (whichever comes first)… for the petty crime of trying to pass a counterfeit, $20 bill. Who ever heard of Capital Punishment for such petty misdemeanors… a modern day lynching ???
  • Let’s exert authoritarian control over non-Christian America by falsely claiming America is a “Christian Nation” despite the non-Establishment of Religion clause of the 1st. Amendment
  • Let’s exert authoritarian control over the election apparatus of America with the old scams of literacy tests and poll taxes giving way to the new scams of conspiracy theories… falsely telling America that Trump was cheated out of the 2020 Presidential election, despite all evidence pointing in the opposite direction… 50 (plus) Court cases lost by Trump, his lawyers sanctioned by the Courts and all recounts and all audits showing no fraud that cost Trump the 2020 election.
  • Let’s exert authoritarian control over American history by telling one and all how “great” America was “back in the day” when the Whiteys kept their women in the kitchen and the Negro in the Ghetto.
  • Let’s exert authoritarian control over any and all growth, change and evolution by unleashing MAGA on its Ride to Regression… going backwards (at 100 miles an hour)… so we can live in a world when America was Great because it exerted authoritarian control on all that wasn’t a White male.
  • Let’s exert authoritarian control over the historic image of the “good old days” by Making America Great Again… going backwards to the 1930s-1950s era when Black neighborhoods were red-lined, Catholic Priest, Father Coughlin was a Jew hater and baiter, Senator Joe McCarthy was a great Patriot like Trump, Trump’s former lawyer, the disgraced Roy Cohn, was a shrewd operator, and Trump’s favorite Movie Stars were John Wayne, Ronald Reagan and Rin Tin Tin.


The MAGA Monolithic of authoritarian control finds a mirror image in the Monolith of control by the Great Religions… controlling our Godgiven Free Will… with death and mayhem.

  • Fundamentalist Jews in Netanyahu’s cabinet who are now directing a war (lacking any proportionality)… with Hamas in Palestine, with the PLO in the West Bank, and Hezbollah in Lebanon.
  • Fundamentalist Muslim, terrorist groups who (with Iran’s backing) are fighting their endless fatwas across the globe in Africa, Yemen, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, the Philippines, etc.
  • Fundamentalist Christians like a Crusading America that invaded Iraq in Gulf War II under our former “Born Again”
    Christian, Crusader, George W. Bush. Ditto for his like-minded, Easter Orthodox Christian, Vladimir Putin… who invaded the Ukraine.


Ironically, Terrorist Groups and many right-wing, Religious Groups present (alike) that same darkness of a monolithic thinking, a Crusader mentality as they throw out the Golden Rule and become Judgmental Warriors of death and destruction, all in the name of God… of course. Well, of course !!!

Definition of a “Monolithic” Society…

  • Historic meaning… made of “one stone” and
  • Present day meaning (2024) an organization characterized by… massiveness, total uniformity, rigidity, invulnerability, etc.


See MONOLITHIC Definition & Meaning

Yes. That’s what’s there to be seen. A “Monolithic” Trump, a Monolithic MAGA, Monolithic terrorist groups and a Monolithic Christian Evangelical Church that supports Trump… all selling their wares of the authoritarian control of “one stone” of “total uniformity” that insists that everybody think the same monolithic way and be ready to wage cultural war against those who dare to be independent thinkers and Social-Justice Warriors… like Jesus of Nazareth, Joan of Arc, Galileo, Mahatma Ghandi, Jesuit priest, Teilhard de Chardin, Rosa Parks, Detroit Catholic Bishop, Thomas Gumbleton, Monsignor Clement Kern, Mother Teresa, Martin Luther King, Muhammed Ali, Nelson Mandela and so many others. Hey MAGA. America is not made of one stone. America is a mosaic of divergent cultures, religions and ethnicity of many stones of all stripes and all nationalities, God’s children who came from faraway lands across the world to join in.


The “pluralistic” camp is not afraid nor fearful of the “live and let live” concept expressed in the Life, Liberty and Pursuit of Happiness clause of the Declaration of Independence. Nor is it fearful of the basic, human freedoms of the Bill of Rights, nor of the concept of the Golden Rule. America is a pluralistic society, a mosaic of many, ethnic groups, that protect the other person’s freedoms, the other person’s choices, the other person’s sexuality, the other person’s skin color, the other person’s customs, the other person’s religious beliefs (or lack of them), and balances the singular voice of one with the disparate voices of others… subject only to the rule that “your freedoms end where my nose begins” and vice versa.

Definition of a “Pluralistic” Society… as defined by my on-line dictionary… “a combination of diverse elements forming ‘more or less’ a coherent whole” e.g. by definition, not made of “one stone.”


MAGA is a fear mongering machine that is stuck in a loop of “authoritarian control” seeking to win the cultural wars and control the rest of us because, well because…

  • Those damned liberals are changing the old order, and
  • White skin and the male gender of the old order no longer give you that same leg up and competitive edge it used to… in the machinery of American Capitalism.
  • And that’s precisely the complaint of the White Supremacy groups at Charlottsville VA as they chanted in unison, “Jews will not replace us.”


Though I don’t want to be overconfident (and winning the up-coming 2024 election is certainly not a given), MAGA’s life is (I strongly suspect) coming to a natural death via irrelevance. MAGA, like its leader, the Orangeman of Demagoguery, is getting old and worn. MAGA is tired and uninspired. It resembles the vestiges of the Circus Maximus that once was but no longer is. It is like a human heart wearing out over time. MAGA is short on breath, short on hope, short on energy and trying the patience of the adults in America.

In short, MAGA is alive, but it never was well. As Bob Dylan says… “You don’t need a weather man to know which way the wind blows” (Subterranean Homesick Blues).

Fred Lauck
Copyrighted 2024
